Breastfeeding Twins
"Betty Greenman helped me out so much with my twins. She started us out with extra small nipple shields to help latch the babies on. However, now they latch on by themselves. She has come over a few times and really has put me on a great breastfeeding road to success." Tracy S.
"I felt overwhelmed and didn't know how to feed my babies. One wasn't thriving well. Betty Greenman realy took the time to help me and explain things." Margeret S.
" Having Twins is so overwhelming. I called Betty Greenman because she came highly recommended by my multiple group moms. She patiently helped me learn what it took to feed little tiny twins. They are growing very well now. I am so happy I called her and she came to my home for a consult." Trisha M.
I specialize in helping new moms to breastfeed their twins.
Breastfeeding twins can be a joyful experience. Breast milk provides the best nutrition for your twins. Therefore, it is so important to breastfeed your twins. In fact, many moms choose to breastfeed and successfully breastfed twins. Many choose to breastfeed exclusively their twins for the first months of their lives.
The ideal way is to begin breastfeeding as soon as possible after delivery. However, if you had a C Section, and you may not able to breastfeed right away. Therefore, pumping is also good. This will help establish a good milk supply. An Electric Hospital Grade pump is best, then a high-quality breast pump purchased in a store is second best.
You can breastfeed your twins one at a time or together. Hopefully, you can put your twins on the same schedule. However, realistically, one may want to feed every three hours while the other one may want to breastfeed every two hours on some days. If you continuously breastfeed your baby then, you will produce enough breast milk for both. Additionally, you can pump a few times a day after some feedings to produce more breast milk. Moms need to make sure that they are taking care of themselves by eating healthy foods, healthy snacks and drink plenty of water to satisfy your thirst. Remember, you are important. Allow friends and family members to help you. Rest as often as you can. Take a walk outside with or without your babies. Take a nice warm shower to help relax. Always try to sleep when your babies sleep.
Breastfeeding multiples can be a challenge, especially if they are born early. If for some reason you cannot breastfeed your babies or one baby because they are in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, NICU, pump breast milk and bring it to the hospital. The hospital staff will give it to your baby through a tube. When they are strong then they will be able to breastfeed. Choose a pediatrician that supports breastfeeding and who can help you find a good Lactation Consultant to help guide you to breastfeed your twins. If one preemie has to stay in the hospital longer, you can breastfeed on one side and pump the other one out for the baby in the hospital. Eventually, they will both come home and you can breastfeed them one at a time or together.
Babies should gain at least half an ounce to an ounce a day for the first three months of their lives. They should have at least seven to eight wet diapers a day after their first week. Their stools should have a yellowish mustard color by day five and they should have at least three stools. After a week, sometimes breastfed babies have a few more stools. You may find it very helpful to keep a Breastfeeding Log, which is a feeding schedule. Additionally, you can keep a wet diaper chart.
It is very important to find a comfortable place to breastfeed. A pillow especially made for twins is great to use. You can also use any pillow around the home as long as it is comfortable. You can either sit in a chair or lie down in your bed and breastfeed.
There are a few different breastfeeding positions you can choose while breastfeeding twins. Remember, you can breastfeed one at a time or two at a time. The Double Football hold consists of this: Hold both heads of your babies by placing your arms around their backs and your hands at the base of their heads. The Cradle/Football hold consists of both babies pointing the same way. One is in a cradle hold, while the other is in a football hold. The Double Cradle Hold consists of: Support the babi’s head in each arm. The twins can rest on the bend of your elbow. They can sit across your lap.
In conclusion, remember to take care of yourself so you can take care of your babies. Make sure you are surrounded by people that support breastfeeding. Additionally, ask for help when you are at home, either a husband, mom or dad, housekeeper, relative or a friend. Try to sleep day and night as your twins do because the babies will keep you up at night the first few weeks of life. Have others help you do errands around the home and shopping for you. It may seem overwhelming at first however, breastfeeding your twins is so rewarding and satisfying in the end it will be worth it. You will end up with healthier twins.
Breastfeeding Twins
La Leche League
Mothers of Super Twins
National Organization of Mothers of Twins Clubs
Working Moms of Twins