Breastfeeding And ADHD: Could Nursing Be Protective?

Breast milk is best for all children. It has many beneficial components to it. It has many natural protective ingredients too. In fact, breastfed children are less likely to develop Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, ADHD, later in life. Additionally, breastfeeding may lower the risk of ADHD. What is Attention, Deficit, Hyperactivity Disorder, ADHD? Web MD says that ADHD is the most commonly diagnosed mental disorder of children. Children with ADHD may be hyperactive and unable to control their impulses. They may have trouble paying attention. Their behavior may interfere with their school work and home life. ADHD is usually discovered in the early school years.Children can be greatly helped with proper treatment such as medicine, therapy, and a good educational plan. This will help manage their symptoms. Breast milk contains nutritious ingredients for your baby's body. "As we know that breastfeeding has numerous other biological advantages, we suggest that prevention at least partial, of ADHD, maybe added to this list," said Dr. Aviva Mimouni- Bloch, head of pediatric neurology and development unit at Lowenstein Hospital Rehab Center and professor of medicine at Tel Aviv University. She continues by saying that breastfeeding has a positive impact on child development and health, including protection again illnesses. Ruth Lawrence, MD, Editor-in-Chief of Breastfeeding Medicine and Professor of Pediatrics, University of Rochester School of Medicine, said: "Breastfeeding has been shown to have a positive impact on child development, good health, and protection against illness. Now, another possible benefit of breastfeeding for three months and especially six months or longer has been identified.This study opens another avenue of investigation in the prevention of ADHD." Dr. Andrew Gerber, an assistant professor of clinical psychiatry at Columbia University commented how breastfeeding and bonding with your baby and can have an important implication on development,both intellectually and emotionally for your child. In conclusion, new moms are always encouraged to breastfeed. It provides optimal nutrition for the newborns. Breast milk is easily digested and contains hormones and antibodies that help protect against illness.Breastfeeding can protect against ADHD. I am so proud of all new moms that attempt to breastfeed. Keep up the good work enjoy breastfeeding.


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